Friday, July 25, 2014

Feel The Sunshine, Shining On Your Face...

Hello there!
Sorry I haven't made a blog post in a while, but I've been really busy!
For instance:
  • I have
  •  been making a load of videos for my YouTube channel (link in the bottom)
  • I've been doing a TON of reading, and it seems I'm all set for summer with the amount of books I've been buying recently!
  • I've also been writing a few new songs in the hope of recording one in the near future!
  • I recently participated in the Cleethorpes Carnival as Peter Pan on float 14 to raise money for Brody's Disney Appeal. It was an amazing experience! And, our float came THIRD out of ALL the floats in the competition!
So, currently it's summer, and the weather has been awfully kind these past few days! However, sometimes it's not so kind because there is much fluctuation- going from pleasantly warm with a simple summer breeze, to being so hot that its impossible to function and you end up sitting in your bedroom just browsing through Tumblr, reblogging countless pictures until your brain can't take any more. 

A lot of my friends have been complaining that there's 'nothing to do' and they're 'bored. Well, kids, I'm here to help! I've always had this problem- you start the summer having no idea what to do with yourself, and then BAM, it's soon September again, and by that time, you've compiled a list of about 500 things you want to do... but it's too late.

So, here are a few suggestions that should help you decide what you can do with your summer (do these at your own risk):

I've always had this issue where I have too much stuff and no idea where to put it. Now's a good time to sort through all the stuff and sort out the treasure from the fool's gold. You never know WHAT you'll find, you might uncover old gems from the past- I found out a note that was between myself and two of my friends which we passed during class before the days of texting. Well, not that long ago, but anyway...
Also, it's important to have a good storage system. Several stores will do decent storage systems at a good price- I did my research, and a couple of places I can recommend to look are:
  • Muji - they sell acrylic holders which many YouTubers have been RAVING about, and they're really good quality.
  • IKEA - this store is very versatile, and offer many storage solutions at great prices.
  • Charity shops, and sites such as eBay, MadBid and Amazon - you can find some storage solutions on these websites at reasonably cheap prices. Just make sure the seller is valid.
There is no point spending the whole summer cooped up in your room, lazing around and doing nothing. Get out there while the weather's nice! Go on a bike ride, meet up with your friends and hang out, go to a theme park or water park, go to the beach or somewhere that you've never been before! Now's a good time to try new experiences, such as trying a new cocktail or taking up a new hobby- just don't forget your camera! 

Sometimes the weather goes a bit haywire. If you're stuck inside on a rainy day, turn it around! Get creative!
  • Write a story/song/magazine article/fan-fiction/pamphlet on how to make friends/whatever you want to!
  • If you have an old cork-board doing nothing, do what I did- cover it in photos an Polaroids and tickets and notes and stuff!
  • Write a letter to your favourite singer/band/actor, find out their fanmail address and post it! You never know, you might get a reply!
  • Make a quote jar- find an old coffee or jam jar, write down a load of quotes and cute sayings on small pieces of paper, fold them up, and you're done! It's a great idea for when you're feeling a little down I always find.
One of the most important things to do is to plan ahead. Sit down and think about what you'd really like to do this summer. Whether it's swimming with dolphins or riding a unicorn, make a list of everything you'd like to do, and there you have a summer bucket list to keep you occupied! 

So, there are some of my tips, I hope they help some of you lot!

Have a great summer!

Laura xx


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